Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Here is the second erotic book cover I've done for a US publisher. I think its due out late this year, called INFERNO...

Monday, August 21, 2006

I was told this was too "saucy" so I dressed her up...I dunno..
"Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry...Very little magic and a lot of hard work are involved."
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel prize winner

Damn me if this ain't the truth for comics too!!

More illos soon computer keeps falling over every time I load a new pic...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Come on, you want improve your drawing..PUSH YOURSELF draw things you have trouble my case...animals, I love cats (save yer jokes..) Get out of that comfort zone, if it was easy everyone could do it. You can see I gotta lot work to do too...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This was a present for my mate Frank, his character Lionel Demane!
Photoshop CS sure made this a lot of fun, I love the new brushes...but i didn't have
a wacom I used a laptop touch pad..painful.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

DIABLA in progress!

I feel like i might be giving too much away...nahhhhhh
rest assured it goes slow...but I'm having a ball!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Diabla comic spread!

WOOHOOO! Comics!!! here's a spread from my upcoming comic DIABLA: A dragons tale... most of you have seen a penciled version on my site...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No excuses!! STUFF 'EM ALL!!!

I, like most lazy artist love to make excuses about finding time to draw, sketch, doddle whatever!
If you REALLY want to improve draw everyday, sounds easy, it is. I commute by train for 3 hrs a day and most people say to me "man, thats must get you down stuck on the train for over 3 hrs and day" (the Trains are always late...) Well it use to, but little by little with a big push from my wife i started to carry a little sketch book in my bag. Now most people starting out sketching, know how hard it is to draw under control conditions (eg: locked away from prying eyes) but in public with all thoughs werid people looking at you and that little voice in your head .."I suck and everyone here thinks so too.." man that little voice can ruin your life!
STUFF 'EM ALL!!! just fricking DO IT! Thats what I was told, and trust me on this one...YOU can not spend 5 years drawing everyday and NOT IMPROVE!!


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