How a pair of eyeglasses help save the United States!Here's interesting job for Scholastic with a cool yarn...

Washington then gave a short but impassioned speech to his officers, called the Newburgh Address, trying to persuade them to be patient with Congress. Washington, however, after finishing the speech, felt that the officers were unmoved. He then took a letter from his pocket from a member of Congress to read to the officers. Instead of reading it immediately, he gazed upon it and fumbled with it without speaking.
He then took a pair of reading glasses from his pocket, which were new and few of the men had seen him wear them. He then said:
"Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country." This caused the men to realize that Washington had sacrificed a great deal for the Revolution, just as much as any of them.
These, of course, were his fellow officers, most having worked closely with him for several years. Many of those present were moved to tears, and with this act, the conspiracy collapsed as he read the letter. He then left the room and General Henry Knox and others offered resolutions reaffirming their loyalty, which were accepted by the group.
For a more detailed story look here!